Couple Therapy
Improve and understand your relationship
Sex Therapy
Better love life and physical intimacy
Pre-Marital Counseling
What to expect and how to navigate through your marriage
Online Counseling
By phone or video call
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Couples Therapy

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Pre-Marital Counseling

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Nairobi , Kenya communication breakdown therapy

Sex Therapy

Sex Therapy for couples and individuals - Nairobi Psychologist provide individual, couples therapy for a variety of problems. Sex Therapy can help improve your love life and physical intimacy. Sex therapy helps couples talk about sex with each other. A sex therapist feels comfortable talking about sex its natural and basic need. You're not alone in having sexual problems or addictions.Everyone has sexual problems. At some point,couples have sexual problems that are often easily fixed.Take the Initiative!
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Communication breakdown in marriage in Nairobi, Kenya

Couples Therapy

Couples or marriage counseling in Nairobi is offered to support people in relationship who may be considering separation or seeking improved intimacy and understanding. Couples therapy, helps couples — married or not — understand and resolve conflicts and improve their relationship. Couples therapy gives couples the tools to communicate better, negotiate differences, problem solve and even argue in a healthier way.
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Safe Space to empty issues Nairobi Kenya

Pre-Marital Counseling

The benefits of premarital counselling as suggested by experts include the following:It contributes to a healthier and happier marriage as the couples become familiar with each others attributes, wants, expectations etc. It reduces the risk of divorce,Planning the wedding becomes much easier,learn Objectives in marriage,Dealing with expectations,Effective communication,Resolutions for conflicting interests,Family Finances,Issues dealing with intimacy and comfort levels
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Kenya Marriage Counselling

We're taught to be ashamed of Confusion, Anger, Fear and Sadness;and to me they are of equal importance and value to Happiness, Excitement and Inspiration,because they are communicating so much if I can but Listen to their messages.

Is Couples or Marriage Counseling Recommended?People in relationship seek counseling for any number of reasons, from power struggles and communication problems, to sexual dissatisfaction and infidelity. Though counseling is recommended as soon as discontent arises in a relationship, studies show that on average, partners will not seek therapy until they have been unhappy for six years. And yet, the more time has passed, the more difficult it may be to repair the relationship. In some cases, a couple who has already decided to separate may pursue therapy in order to end the relationship amicably and respectfully.

Diaspora living and looking for An African Marriage therapist and a Marriage counselor. We at Kenya Marriage counseling offer online Disapora counseling services for Africans who grew up with African culture and traditions and mixing with western cultures and values instilled in them are valuable in modern marriage and relationships. An African Marriage counselor is here to open the safe space for relationship for better well being of a healthy marriage and share values  and insights ! whatsapp Live Now

Our services

Enhancing better relationships

Couples Therapy

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Pre-Marital Counseling

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